Dungeons and Dragons; There’s a good chance you’ve heard of it before. Known by many as the world’s greatest role-playing game. D&D is a staple to the geek community.
Thanks to live play games, such as Critical Role and Stranger Things. More and more people want to get in on the fun. If you do want to get in on the fun, your main challenge may be finding a place to start. Lucky for you there’s three fantastic options to choose from.
Your first option may sound like a no brainer, The D&D Starter Set. This set offers everything for a group of 4-6 people to start playing right away. Offering premade characters, a premade adventure, simple rules, and even a dice set. Meaning this box is ready to play as soon as you open it! Priced at a low 19.99$ making this set perfect for someone on a tight budget or looking for a gift.
Up next we have the Dungeons and Dragons Essentials kit. This kit offers a bit more versatility when it comes to playing. Offering a more extensive look at rules and how to play. The Essentials kits teaches players how to make their own characters. While coming with a map, an adventure, and rules to play one on one. Although this set can be played on it’s own. It’s much better put alongside the starter set or with the core game. Starting at 24.99$ leaves this cheap and affordable to expand upon the starter set.
Last but not least, we have the core rules books. Right here we have the last step in getting started with D&D. Including the players handbook, monster manual, dungeon master guide, and a dungeon master screen. The only other thing you need is dice. Each book is priced at 49.99$ makes this set only for those who know they’re ready to get into D&D.
Who knows where D&D may lead you. Maybe into a steam-punk world. Or following in the footsteps of what got you interested.